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In the spring flowers bloom ...


In the spring flowers bloom ...

Are you ready to welcome the new Mascaretti's Cityliner?

One swallow does not make spring ... But an expanse of flowers definitely yes! And so, either because the new Cityliner arrive early March, either because we wanted to give a boost of sparkle to the classic graphic with horses, either because our goal is to always renew ourselves, like the flowers every spring, we decided to decorate our new buses with a floral theme and vibrant colors.

The graphics of the new Cityliner we really like. But those who have to like the most is you, our customers!

That's why we provide you an exclusive sketch that has drawn for us the graphic studio Pico Incentive (www.picoincentive.it ).

Sure, you have to use a little imagination. But we hope you will already have an idea and tell us if you like it...

Although you'll have to wait a little while to see it bloom.


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